Front: Adolph, Gerard, Ida, Rosa, baby Dora

Back: Emma, Anna, Edward, William, Albert  



Caroline Gosen-Giesing on left
Elizabeth Heying-Gosen on right
William Francis Giesing in center
Three Generations



                 Gerhard Richard Reymer
                 1834-1864 He died in Civil War.



Front: Leona, Gerard and Josephine
Back: Anna (Giesing) and Lorenz Mertens
Leona, Lorenz, Gerard, Anna and Josephine Mertens


Gerard Mertens-Mary E. Davis
               Wedding Picture
Leona Mertens, Rosa Reymer and Anna Giesing
    Three Generations


Front:  Anna (Giesing) Mertens
Back: Leona, Gerard and Josephine Mertens
OK Restaurant and tavern run by Gerard and Mary (Davis) Mertens
for almost ten years.



Alice Giesing and Joe Rockers





Sons of William Francis Giesing & Mary Sullivan

Year 2000         Photo: copyright Pat Yusko






Young Jonathan Giesing






Jane Giesing's Family 1940's

Front:  Alice, Jane and Norbert Giesing.

Back:  Henry, William, Sterling, Gerald, Harold, Elmer, Raymond and Oliver Giesing.



Front: Ronnie, Alberta, Jean, Alice, Leslie

Back: Albert, Mary Ellen, Norman, Leroy

Budnik Family      February 1960

                  Albert Budnik


About 1968 Vietnam War

1984-Nov. 27, 1993  died at the hand of a kidnapper.  Killer found in 2019.







Patty and Norbert Ray Giesing





          Martin Sterling Giesing and family.




Brandon Giesing  (2010)




               Chase J. Brandt  (One Year Birthday)




Hilda (Hoerschgen) Daverman




Hendricus Arnold Reymer
Ida Reymer


Johanna Reymer
Maria Reymer


Charles P.  Reymer Drug Store in Union, Missouri
still standing and being used as a store in year 2016



Klaus Reymer
Aernout Reymer